A Physical Therapy Journey with the Goal of Restoring You

With My Restorative Physical Therapy, you can rely on expert care targeted to meet you where you are right now and develop an effective plan to get you back to what you love. Whether you are looking to return to pain-free walking, get back to your sit-stand station, or lace up your running shoes again, we are ready to guide you on your journey. Your care with My Restorative PT would be mobile-based, with the rehab equipment brought to your home, your office, or your other healing/ exercise space.


Treatment is centered around you and your needs. You can count on hourlong, one-on-one treatment with your physical therapist in the comfort of your own space.

The Initial Evaluation establishes where you are at, how you got there, and where you would like to go. You can be confident that action will be taken to move you closer to your goal on Day 1.

Follow up treatments dive deeper into the problems you and your PT are trying to address together. With each successive treatment building on the last, so you can feel the forward progress you are making.


It is only natural to want to discover more on your own.

You may have questions:

What is my injury called?

What can I do to shortcut my recovery time?

What are the exercises that can help me see “almost-instant” progress?

What tools do I need to optimize my recovery?

These questions and more can be answered in The Tip Sheets found in The Knowledge Tab.

The Tip Sheets
Tips & Exercise for Common Orthopedic Conditions Available Here

Meet Your Provider
Dr. Jenny Prewitt, PT, DPT, OCS

Learn more about your rehabilitation champion here!

Independently Contracting Physical Therapy Services through
Physical Therapy Dynamix PLLC

Additional Physical Therapy Partners

Switchback Physical Therapy