Prevention for Me
My Restorative Physical Therapy Prevention
My Restorative PT passionately believes that many injuries can be prevented. Education regarding posture, safe movement, strength, fitness, and wellness could prevent so much pain and hardship.
If you are seeking Preventative Treatment, I applaud you!
Typical Duration: Negotiable
Cost: Negotiable
Not all Health Insurance Plans will reimburse for Preventative Care. Hence, why Prevention is filed under My Restorative PT’s “Change” Branch.
Prevention Includes:
- Posture or Ergonomic Assessment. In Home, On the Job, or In the Car.
- Balance Training/ Reduction of Falls Risk. This includes balance practice, recommendation regarding Assistive Device (if necessary), and Home Assessment (reduction of trip hazards).
- Body Mechanics Instruction. Tips regarding the best way your body can wash a car, garden, carry a basket of laundry, and other daily chores/ activities.
- Expecting Parent Body Boot Camp. Not that there isn’t already enough to do to prepare for baby. But if you want to prepare your body for baby, this is for you. Whether you are a woman nervous about how your body will handle delivery or you fear you don’t have the body strength to lift a toddler, a program can be tailored for your needs.
- “Norm” Training. Most of us don’t know what is normal for or our body given our age and gender. Maybe if we all knew how long we should be able to balance on 1 foot for, we would know when we need to start acting. It’s 30 seconds by the way.
- Suggest Your Own Idea!