Learn More About Dr. Jenny Prewitt’s Background
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I am located in the Downtown Seattle Area, but I am actually a California Native.
I went to college at UC Berkeley (Cal) and graduated with a degree in Integrative Biology. Integrative Biology was UC Berkeley’s grab bag biology department, which covered everything from plants (which I did have to study a bit) and the human body, which was obviously where I focused my attention.
Studying very hard at Cal resulted in my graduating Summa Cum Laude in 2008. I am very proud of this achievement, but those 4 years at Cal were definitely very challenging for me.
Following college, I was trying to figure out exactly where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up working as a Physical Therapy Aide in a clinic, which is where I fell in love with physical therapy.
All of the PTs that worked there were so smart and so kind. They had great relationships with their patients and they had great relationships with each other. I wanted to be a part of such a field.
So I signed up! I finished my prerequisites, I took the GRE, and applied in the fall of 2008.
I was accepted into the University of Southern California’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program in December of 2008 and I began my education there in August of 2009.
Those 3 years at USC were some of the best in my life. I don’t think I will ever have the opportunity to be a part of such an intelligent, good-hearted, hard-working set of individuals in my life again. Between the students and the faculty, the experience was just… amazing. I would do that all over again in a heartbeat.
Following my 3 amazing years at USC, I returned to Northern California to reunite with my family.
I began working at an outpatient orthopedics clinic called Quinn Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Cupertino, CA. I spent over 4 amazing years here. This is where I really became the physical therapist that I am today. While working there I had the opportunity to study and sit for the OCS (Orthopedic Certified Specialist) examination. Through my time in the clinic and my studies, I established and honed my physical therapy practice. I will be forever grateful to Quinn and their team for giving me my start.
In January 2017, I moved to Seattle, WA. Again, I was inspired to move to reunite with my family who had left the Bay Area in 2015 for Washington State.
I spent over 2 great years working for Bothell Physical Therapy before my husband’s work drew us to the Downtown Seattle area, where we are now.
After working briefly at a clinic Downtown, the opportunity to start My Restorative Physical Therapy arose. I decided to take it.
I am beyond excited about My Restorative Physical Therapy and this grand new adventure!
Thank you so much for being here!
Dr. Jenny Prewitt, PT, DPT, OCS At a Glance
- University of Southern California, Doctor of Physical Therapy 2012
- University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor of Arts, Integrative Biology 2008
Certifications & Associations:
- American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS), Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS), 2016
- American Physical Therapy Association, Since 2009
- American Heart Association, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Basic Life Support (CPR- BLS), Since 2009
Special Treatment Populations :
- Balance, Gait, & Functional Training
- Runners (Ultra, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k)
- Athletes (Special Interest in Soccer, Gymnastics, and Swimming, but with an Appreciation of All Sports)
Personal Life:
Jenny lives with her husband Josh in Seattle, WA. They enjoy exploring everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer and try to take advantage of the outdoors through biking, hiking, running, kayaking, and skiing as the weather allows. Jenny is also a voracious reader and identifies strongly as an introvert. She will always enjoy reading to expand her mind in the pursuit of adventure and knowledge!

My Restorative Physical Therapy all started with you.
Learn More About My Restorative Physical Therapy’s Start and the Role You Played In It
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Physical therapy as a field does a great job of making care patient-centered, meaning we ask you what your goals are, what you need from your care, and what we are trying to get you back to.
Despite this noble approach, I still feel like Physical Therapy could be doing more.
So, in an effort to make Physical Therapy more accessible for patients, I created My Restorative Physical Therapy to help “shake up” the traditional model of care.
How is My Restorative Physical Therapy going to do that?
We’re going to do that together using the 3 different arms.
1. Treatment.
What you would think of as traditional PT care.
My Restorative PT follows a mobile model centering around the Seattle area. Care would be provided in home, in office, or in another space convenient for you. If you do not have a space, we will work in one of the spaces that I have access to.
Outside of Seattle? Please Contact Me. I have former colleagues and classmates throughout the country. I’ll let you know if I have someone who I know and trust that can see you.
2. Knowledge.
This arm deals with the educational materials.
- Tip Sheets (PDFs with Top Tips, Exercises, Additional Information, and Recommendations for Gadgets & Gizmos for Common Orthopedic Conditions).
- My Restorative Blog (Educational Information Regarding Physical Therapy and Wellness).
3. Change.
- Prevention (Educational Materials and Services Focused on Preventing Injury to Begin With).
- One for Change (A pledge to donate at least 1% of the profits the business makes toward charities geared toward Prevention or other Physical Therapy-related issues).
Learn More About How My Restorative Physical Therapy Got Its Name
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The word “Restorative” comes from my love and practice of Restorative Yoga. I love Restorative Yoga. It is not something I do all the time, but I definitely wish I did it more.
People often joke that Restorative Yoga is like adult napping. You rarely stand. You are basically lying down, stretching, and breathing on a yoga mat for 1 hour in a warm room. But when you leave that room, I feel rested, restored, and recharged.
This is what I want for you. I want you to feel restored and recharged. I want you to feel whole again.
The word “My” was added because I wanted to emphasize how important you are to this process. Without you, there would be no physical therapy. You are essential to the process and I want you to feel like you are at the center.
If you’re ready to get started, click on where you want to go!
There are several people that I want to thank for making all of this possible:
My husband, Josh. I would never have had the courage to do anything like My Restorative Physical Therapy without the relentless support and belief in my abilities that he provides. Thank you for continuing to challenge me and push me to reach for the stars.
My parents. Their intelligence, wisdom, drive, and love have been essential to all of the success that I have achieved. Without these two incredible and powerful role models, I would not be even half of the woman that I am today.
My sisters. My sisters are the two people on this planet that I can turn to and say/ ask “You know what I mean?” And they do “know what I mean.” The trust that I have in these two ladies to understand me and give me the feedback and support that I need to hear is priceless.
My former boss, Andrea Schafer. Never have I had somebody outside of my family who has been so genuinely interested in my personal and professional development. Her belief in me was vital to my finding this opportunity and having the courage to pursue it.
Dr. Patrick Toy, PT, DPT and PT Dynamix. Thank you Dr. Patrick for being such an inspiring leader for the field of physical therapy. I am beyond thrilled to help you move the field of physical therapy forward.